Full Time Designer + Creative Thinker + Disney Enthusiast
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Archetype Poster Series

Archetype Poster Series

When asked to create a project based on what I am passionate about the first thing that came to mind was my love for classic fairytales that I have come to know very well growing up.  In every fairytale there are common archetypes which by definition are the original pattern or model from which all things of 
the same kind are copied or on which they are based.


I looked more in depth as to what Archetypes were and the role each of them play in a story or film. I found that there are twelve defined primary types that symbolize basic human motivations. Each type has its own set of values, meanings and personality traits. Also, the twelve types are divided into three sets of four, namely Ego, Soul and Self. 

The Ego

  1. The Innocent
  2. The Orphan/Regular Guy or Gal
  3. The Hero
  4. The Caregiver

The Soul

  1. The Explorer
  2. The Rebel
  3. The Lover
  4. The Creator

The Self

  1. The Jester
  2. The Sage
  3. The Magician
  4. The Ruler

Who Am I?

I then asked myself, how would I classify myself as each archetype? How and why do I think I am a specific archetype? 

For the Ego I chose the Caregiver --

Motto: Love your neighbor as yourself
Core desire: to protect and care for others
Goal: to help others
Greatest fear: selfishness and ingratitude
Strategy: doing things for others
Weakness: martyrdom and being exploited
Talent: compassion, generosity
The Caregiver is also known as: The saint, altruist, parent, helper, supporter.

I am the Year of the Goat -- 

I used my Chinese Zodiac to define why I feel I am a caregiver. I am the year of the goat which by definition, have very delicate thoughts, strong creativity, and perseverance, and acquire professional skills well. Although they look gentle on the surface, they are tough on the inside. They have strong inner resilience and excellent defensive instincts. Their personality is best described as being gentle and strong. From being a older sibling I have become a motherly figure towards my younger sister. I help to watch over her with a kind heart but will not hesitate to protect her and put her needs before my own

Image Inspiration

I gathered imagery and really aimed to dig deep and find symbolism highlighting keywords that define the correlation between the meaning of the Caregiver and the Year of the Goat. 

For the Soul I chose the Lover --

Motto: You're the only one
Core desire: intimacy and experience
Goal: being in a relationship with the people, work and surroundings they love
Greatest fear: being alone, a wallflower, unwanted, unloved
Strategy: to become more and more physically and emotionally attractive
Weakness: outward-directed desire to please others at risk of losing own identity
Talent: passion, gratitude, appreciation, and commitment
The Lover is also known as: The partner, friend, intimate, enthusiast, sensualist, spouse, team-builder.

I am a Taurus -- 

I used my Horoscope or Zodiac to define why I feel I am the lover. I am a Taurus which by definition, the Taurus woman is known for being reliable, practical, ambitious and sensual, the people born under the Zodiac Sign Taurus have an eye for beauty. They tend to be good with finances, and hence, make efficient financial managers. The Taurus will readily lend a helping hand to the family, friends and the needy even if it means that they would have to endure hardship or loss. 

Image Inspiration

I gathered imagery and really aimed to dig deep and find symbolism highlighting keywords that define the correlation between the meaning of the Lover and the Taurus. I also began sketching.

For Self I chose the Jester --

Motto: You only live once
Core desire: to live in the moment with full enjoyment
Goal: to have a great time and lighten up the world
Greatest fear: being bored or boring others
Strategy: play, make jokes, be funny
Weakness: frivolity, wasting time
Talent: joy
The Jester is also known as: The fool, trickster, joker, practical joker or comedian.

Numerology, I am the number 3 --

Lastly, I used numerology to find why I am a good fit for the Jester. I am the number 3 which by definition, is still under the protection of its parents which in my case is true. Also Certainly scattered and perpetually in need of guidance. The most obvious traits of the 3 are in the creative field. A powerful need to express feelings, ideas and visions of the imagination, coupled with an extroverted personality. Charm, wit and a sense of humor help a 3 individual along his or her path, and if that weren't enough, good looks and compelling charisma make this "kid" particularly attractive. Therefore I used the Joker as a key symbol for my wit and humor qualities. 


Collage Play

I had been stuck looking at my computer screen so decided to step away and work with my hands. In addition to sketching I also began collaging.


After scanning in the collages I played and edited them digitally while adding in type and more context. As shown there were many revisions.

The Lover

Main components I used in the Lover poster were the Queen of Hearts and Goddess of Love, Venus to show love. Secondary are the use of flowers, which I relate to from previous lovers of mine whom have gifted me flowers. I also incorporated the Taurus with the constellation in the background. Colors and style were also taken into consideration. 

The Jester

The number 3 is shown in the Jester poster. The Joker's staff, circle element and even the letter are all shown in groups of three. To show a childlike aesthetic I used balloons and bright colors. I kept in mind the aspect of humor and fun so remained playful when making edits to this poster.

The Caregiver

Lastly, in the Caregiver poster I used Mother Mary whom stands for compassion and grace, then the show of hands to symbolize support. The cluster of horns stands for protection and strength while also representing the year of the goat. The fetus image with the tree stands for growth and nourishment.